Thursday, June 17, 2010

OCRA Chamber Chat June 16, 2010


**Disclaimer: The Chamber Chat is a courtesy service.  Our goal is to be short and readable with pass-along information and reminders requested from members. This service is being provided in lieu of forwarding e-mails directly to you. Thank you for reading our chat!

        Congratulations Jen & Bobby!

Jennifer Loshaw and Bobby Banta welcomed a little baby boy

Robert Wayne Banta, born Friday, June 11th

Weight: 7lbs 3oz

Length: 20inches



  • Ferrellgas & OCRA Propane deal for OCRA Members
  • Meet & Greet w/ Ellen Roberts, Candidate - Senate District 6, Billy Goat's Beirgarten, Friday, June 18th
  • Taste of Silverton, Saturday, June 19th
  • Hardrock Hundred Endurance Run, July 9th – 11th
  • Call For Photography Entries
  • Jeep Road report from the Forest Service
  • Colorado Peace Ride – NEW DATES, July 29th – August 1st
  • Links to members
  • Updated OCRA BOARD OF DIRECTORS contact list




For an updated and online CALENDER OF EVENTS,

check out


Ferrellgas and OCRA negotiated a special rate of $1.79/gallon for OCRA members ONLY There is no cost to members to switch if the tank is up to code. Please contact Mariah at the Visitor's Center to find out more information and to get an application (970) 325 – 4746.

Meet and Greet for Ellen Roberts, Candidate for State Senate District 6

Friday, June 18th from 6-7:30pm @ Billy Goat Gruff's Biergarten, 400 Main St, Ouray

Ouray County Commissioner Heidi Albritton wishes to invite her friends, neighbors and the public to attend a meet and greet with Republican Candidate Ellen Roberts, Candidate for State Senate District 6. Ellen is currently the Colorado state representative for House District 59, serving Archuleta, La Plata, San Juan and Montezuma Counties. Ellen wants to hear from the constituents of 6th Senate District, so bring your ideas, questions and concerns.

Taste of Silverton

Saturday, June 19th from 5 – 9pm; Blair Street, between 12th & 13th Street

New this year – Crafters and Collectors are invited to be a part of the Silverton Chamber Community Festival, in addition to local restaurant fare. If you are interested in participating or would like more information, call 387 – 5654.

Jeep Ticket Update

For businesses that are selling Jeep Tickets, Patricia Sullivan will be coming by on Fridays & Mondays to pick up and deliver tickets. If you have too many tickets or need more, please call (970) 318-8469


Call for Photography Entries…

June 1-24

Photography entries accepted for San Juan Memories juried photography

Exhibit at the Ouray County Historical Museum (OCHS).

  • Prizes awarded for First ($75),
  • Second ($50)
  • Third ($25)
  • People's Choice Award ($25).

Interested applicants may submit no more than 3 entries; $5 per photo Entry fee; ribbon winners from the past may not submit any previous Prize-winning photo, all entries must be framed and received at the OCHS Museum at the top of 6th Ave in Ouray by June 24. For more information call 325-4576, or go online to

Below info has been provided on behalf of the USFS, Ouray Trail Group, Switzerland of America and the Visitors Center Staff. Updated May 24th.









Blue Lakes Trailhead (CR 7)

Brown Mountain


County Road 9 (Box Factory)


Owl Creek


Red Mountain Town (CR 31)    

Yankee Boy Basin




Cow Creek

Governor's Basin

Imogene Pass



Requested links for the chamber chat:

·                    City of Ouray: (view City Council Agendas prior to the meetings)

·                    Jeep road condition updates:

·                    Newspapers: Ouray Plaindealer and Ridgway Sun -;

·                    Ouray County Watch- 

·                    Ouray Chamber Resort Association (OCRA) –

·                    Ouray County Performing Arts Guild (OCPAG) –

·                    Ouray County Arts Association (OOAA) –

·                    Ouray County Historical Society:

·                    Ouray Ice Park:

·                    Ouray Trail Group  -

·                    Painting Marmot Art Supply and Art School

·                    Rays Good Stuff, jerky, jellies and more

·                    San Juan Mountain Guides: New Classes

·                    Weehawken Creative Arts (WCA) –

·                    Yankee Boy Conservation Association:

·                    Ouray Beautification Committee: Committee meetings - monthly, the second Wednesday, beginning at 3:30 PM in the Community Center's San Juan Room.

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